Routines – Shifting Into A New Normal The closures of schools and businesses are widespread and have led to major disruptions in the daily routines of families. Children are trying to adjust to doing school at home and parents are now trying to balance their new work from home life with their role as teacher […]
Helping Children Feel Secure in an Uncertain World The news can be full of scary stories and information, especially for children. Our current situation has brought about even more concern for everyone in the world. If adults are feeling panicked, imagine how children must be feeling. And no matter the age, children can […]
8 Ninja Teaching Tips For Parents With schools and other activities closing due to the coronavirus outbreak, many parents are finding themselves filling the roles of teacher, coach, guidance counselor, and hall monitor as the kids try to continue their studies in the home learning environment. The first few days were likely an exciting new […]
One of the biggest concerns from parents during the school year is bullying. Some 160,000 kids skip school every day because they fear being attacked or ridiculed by bullies. The good news is that these disturbing statistics can be limited with the proper education. As an educator that has worked with hundreds of children on anti-bullying strategies, […]
One of the most important things that you can do as a parent is establish a connection with your child. In fact, children need connection more than anything else. Here are a few ways that you can begin to build a great connection with your child: Daily Interactions: 1. Make one-on-one connections with your child. […]
“Stick-to-it-iveness” The ability to stay consistent with something by motivating yourself even when you feel unmotivated! While this might not be a real word, or a real definition; you get the idea! With instant gratification, social media, and a growing number of distractions it is no wonder that kids have a hard time following through […]
One Ninja girl will be picked to wear My Black Belt with pink writing for one belt cycle. This student must show perseverance, determination, focus, kindness, and teamwork. During the 9 weeks they will also be working on leadership skills by leading warm ups, drills, etc. This award was developed through my own experiences after […]
Dear Parents, I was going to write an article on “4 ways to make homework fun”. Realistically. I don’t think thats going to be possible in many cases for either the student, or the parent that may need to help them. Homework can be a useful tool for learning, but I think often the kids […]
Does your little ninja in training have a hard time making good decisions? That’s OK! Often times kids between the ages of 3 and 6 may find it difficult to follow the rules. The good news is that they are not doing this on purpose. After years of working with this age group and observing the […]
Summer may be in full swing, or you may already be starting to plan ahead for the new school year! We hope that you have an awesome adventure this summer whether it’s with us in class, camp or on your own adventure abroad! Here’s some food for thought when it comes to keeping […]
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